Digital Equity Survey
NPS Families, please take a moment to complete our Digital Equity Survey.
Effective immediately as of September 2023
Any NPS student in 7th-12th grade MUST have their Nettleton ID to enter any athletic event. No student 8th grade and under can enter without an adult for high school events. No student in 6th grade and under can enter any event without an adult. This policy is for ALL athletic events for Nettleton Public Schools.
Connect with us on ParentSquare! NPS has adopted this communication platform to foster engagement and connectivity within our district's families and community. To learn more about the platform, visit their website or watch the Getting Started video tailored for parents/guardians. If you don't have access yet, our community can still participate! Join our NPS Community Group.
Gifted and Talented
GT Newsletter
Medical Reminders
Medication Forms
School Nurses